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The 4P's Method

Discover how to balance these essential elements of your own brand

Marcos Plaza de Ayala avatar
Written by Marcos Plaza de Ayala
Updated over a week ago

Having already done the Value Proposition Canvas to help you understand which is your audience, their issues, and your proposal, it is time to continue to deepen our brand identity on social networks.

Remember that you need to reach more and more people within your target audience in the first stage of the sales funnel. And for that, you must be in every detail

That's why when creating content it's important to have a strategy and not to upload improvised content talking about a topic you like. That is no longer enough.

In today's lesson, we are going to talk about the 4P's of social media marketing:

  • Persona: It is the face of your account, that is, what you show in your videos. If you have a personal brand you can be yourself, but it is not the only case. It can be an avatar, different creators, a voice, or hands.

  • Product: What you have to offer. Although 'product' in the traditional context refers to what you sell, in terms of social media, it extends to the content you produce. The vehicle you have that will solve the problem your consumer has, whether it's educating, inspiring, or entertaining. It could be your music, your art, your clothing brand, or your recipes.

    Remember that your product should not be promotional or sound like sales. People love to buy but hate to be sold. Avoid making content showing how good your product is, that doesn't entertain, educate or inspire. Your social media product should be focused on the first step of the sales funnel, reaching more people.
    While in the second step of the funnel, we will plan a strategy to move from the social media product to the real product you sell.
    I recommend you to re-read the article of strategy for your social networks if you have not read it yet.

  • Personality: It is not only how you are going to communicate but what is going to be your brand image. Typography, colors, and even the clothes you wear if it is a personal brand. There is no right or wrong choice here just whatever connects with your ideal audience.

  • Positioning: Joshua Bell is one of the best violinists in the world. And he did a very curious experiment. One day he started playing in the subway of Washington DC with his 3 million-dollar violin, without masks, without disguise. What happened? More than 3000 people passed by him for over an hour and no one stopped to listen to him. The craziest thing about all this is that 2 days before he had played at the Boston Symphony Hall with the theater full and tickets sold out months in advance. How can it be that the same artist, with the same violin, playing the same songs, gives completely different results?
    Exactly, due to Positioning. The Boston Symphony Hall is a prestigious theater that only attracts world-class artists. While no one expects a good artist to play in the subway, even though he actually is.

    This point also includes the previous 3 and involves the strategic placement of your brand within the larger social media landscape. This is how you want your audience to see you. What is the final image you give to your users... an expert cake baker? A black-humor stand-up comedian? A protective mother with the best tips to take care of your young children.

    It is very important to know your audience or target public and to know what target you are aiming at.

    • What characteristics define this person?

    • Does he/she study or work?

    • What are his/her problems?

    • What are his/her feelings about these problems?

    • Who does he/she relate to?

    • What people influence his/her decisions?

    • How old is he/she?

    • What language does he/she speak?

      I recommend you check the previous chapter to know how to create a correct Value Proposition Canvas

By now you should be able to answer the following questions:

  • What is my personality?

  • What do I want to communicate?

  • How do I want to communicate it?

  • How do I want to position myself?

  • What is the value proposition I have for you?

Once you have all these answers clear, now it's time to leave the introspection part to move on to the technical part and start studying how social media algorithms work.

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