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Value Proposition Canvas

Learn how to identify and meet your customers' needs, tailor your offerings, and create compelling value propositions

Marcos Plaza de Ayala avatar
Written by Marcos Plaza de Ayala
Updated over a week ago

In 2024 and 2025 quality is much more important than quantity. It is not necessary to upload posts every day. If you upload quality content, you can upload a post every 15 days and it will be enough.

At the end of the day, the algorithm wants you to spend time on the platform and nothing makes you spend more time on the platform than a video that provides real value. And that's why today we will see the value proposition canvas.

The value canvas is the 10 questions that you have to land on to have a winning value proposition and thus be able to go viral. Take the time you need to answer them because if you do it right you will see an incredible difference in your results.

Don't underestimate the work of a content creator. If you really want to stand out you must study how the algorithm works and follow a strategy that starts by discovering what value you will bring to your audience. If you don't know this, you will spend a lot of time creating content without finding results.

What is the Value Proposition Canvas?

Is a tool for marketing experts, product owners, and value creators. This method from the bestselling innovation book Value Proposition Design is applied in leading organizations and start-ups worldwide.

Your Audience

  1. Who is your audience?
    To identify and understand your target audience, you need to go beyond traditional demographic segmentation. Consider psychographic aspects, such as attitudes, values and lifestyles. Think about the specific challenges and problems they face and how your offer can solve them. Understanding the motives and emotions that drive your audience's decisions will enable you to create messages that resonate deeply with them:

    1. How old are they

    2. Where they live

    3. What language do they speak

    4. What are their customs

    5. What are their aspirations and what are their goals?

    6. Common interests​

  2. How do they entertain?
    How your audience chooses to be entertained can give you clues on how to capture their attention. Not only should you look at the media, but also the type of content they consume, as this will influence how they perceive and relate to your brand.

  3. How do they seek to educate themselves?
    This answer is related to their goals, as they all seek to educate themselves primarily on topics and areas that will help them achieve their goals and aspirations. These, in most cases, should be in the same area as the product or service you sell.

  4. How do you seek inspiration?
    Inspiration can come from multiple sources and vary according to each person's personality, interests and circumstances. Some examples can be nature, art and culture, stories of success and achievement, travel and cultural experiences, education and lifelong learning, hobbies, etc. If you want to inspire your users you should look for what are the most common topics among them in order to provide them with specific content according to their own needs.

  5. What problem does your audience have?
    Think about your product/service and what it solves for your customer.

    1. What challenges do they face in their daily life or work environment?

    2. Are there goals they are trying to achieve but encounter obstacles to achieving them?

    3. What unmet needs do they have that your product or service could solve?

    4. Are there recurring frustrations related to current products or services on the market that your offering could improve?

A good practice is to analyze the metrics of social networks. This will also allow you to have a broader view of the tastes and preferences of your potential customers. Who they follow and what kind of content they look at. In addition, you will be able to fill in those information gaps that are often left unanswered in the questionnaires we just talked about.

Your Competition

  1. Who is solving that problem for your audience in social media?

  2. How is your competition solving that problem for your audience on social media?

Your Proposal

  1. How are you going to solve your audience's problem? Remember that it should always be inspiring, educating and/or entertaining.

  2. What will be your differentiating factor that will make your audience choose you over your competition?

  3. Through what positioning strategy are you going to add value?

Don't worry if you still don't have a clear value proposition. Think of a first proposal to start with something and throughout the course, as you learn how the different algorithms work you will improve your idea.

On the other hand, remember that the true test of your proposal's merit unfolds when you present it to your audience. It is through practical application that you gain insights and make necessary refinements.

The most important thing in every post is always the value you deliver. Never take the focus off this: Value

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