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Instagram Errors While Publishing
Instagram Errors While Publishing
Marcos Plaza de Ayala avatar
Written by Marcos Plaza de Ayala
Updated this week

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English Version

If you are having problems connecting to Instagram, I recommend that you first read the following articles with common errors when making the connection:

If you have published a post on Instagram and got an error. Below you will find the error codes provided by Meta along with a recommendation from our side:


Error Message or Code

Problem described by Meta's official website



Code 36003, Subcode 2207009

The image has an unsupported aspect ratio

Check the limitations imposed by Instagram and change the aspect ratio.


Error #200

Some permissions have not been enabled when making the connection with Followr.​


Code 25, subcode 2207050

Failed User access is restricted ‘User is unavailable – The Instagram account is either inactive or restricted.’

This usually happens when the account violates Instagram community guidelines or terms of use.

Log in to the associated account on the Instagram app and carefully follow the instructions on the screen to reactivate your account.


Failed [An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.]

Instagram displays this error message when it is experiencing temporary problems.

It's advisable to attempt reposting the same content later. In some instances, the content may be successfully posted on Instagram even if it initially displays a failed status on Followr.


Failed [Application request limit reached] or [User is performing too many actions]

Posting to an Instagram account through third-party tools is restricted to a maximum of 50 times per day. Accounts are constrained to 25 API-published posts within a 24-hour period, with carousels considered as a single post.

Limit your Instagram Post to 25 per day per account.


Fatal (code -1, subcode 2207001)

This issue happens due to Instagram's anti-spam mechanism being activated. Unfortunately, Instagram doesn't provide information about the cause of the error or how to avoid it in the future—there are no additional details or insights offered. Instagram intentionally withholds specifics to prevent any attempts to bypass their system.

We suggest posting a revised version—make adjustments to the draft, change the image if applicable, etc., and attempt the post again.


Page request limit reached (code 32, subcode null)

This error surfaces when the profile has reached its API call threshold. Consequently, we are presently unable to publish any content on this particular profile. The API call limit is contingent on DAP (daily active people). As the daily visitor count to your page increases, your API limit also rises. Upon reaching the limit for followers, your profile will be locked on Instagram or Facebook and will persist in that state until one of these platforms unlocks it.


Code 25, subcode 2207050

Your Instagram Professional account is inactive, checkpointed, or restricted.

Please sign in to the Instagram app and complete any actions the app requires to re-enable your account.


Code 352, subcode 2207026

The video format is not supported. Please check the specifications for the supported video format

Unsupported video format. Kindly upload a MOV or MP4. See Video specifications


Code 36000, subcode 2207004

The image is too large to download.

The image exceeded the maximum file size of 8MB. Kindly try again with a smaller image.
Image specifications


Media ID is not available

The media is not ready for publishing.

Try uploading the post once again. Usually one of the next tries is successful. If even after multiple attempts to publish your post it is not published successfully, please check your video / image file - it might not be eligible for publishing after all, due to incorrect resolution, bitrate, aspect ratio, etc.


The Media ID could not be fetched.

This just means that the media did not save properly when you were scheduling your auto-post the first time

If you swap the media by uploading the same image again, and rescheduling, it should work for you next time.


(#10) The user is not an Instagram Business

This is because only Professional Business accounts have the capability to directly post Instagram Stories.

You need to change from a professional creator account to a professional Business account. Step-by-step


Instagram: (#10) This endpoint requires the 'pages_read_engagement' permission or the 'Page Public Content Access' feature or the 'Page Public Metadata Access' feature.

The user did not accept the necessary permissions.

Remove the integration from and integrate Instagram once again accepting ALL permissions. See this step-by-step on how to remove the integration from


Media upload took too long

The file overcomes some of the limitations set by IG. Check the article with the limitations.

Create the file within the parameters required by IG. If the file is already created an alternative could be to use an online video/image converter.


Invalid Parameter

The post exceeds some of the limits allowed by Instagram.

Check the limitations imposed by Instagram. The most common ones are the number of hashtags or the characteristics of the asset being uploaded.


App\Jobs\PublishPost has been attempted too many times or run too long

Instagram couldn't upload your post. No particular reason was specified.

This error is reported by Instagram when they do not process the request to publish.
Normally this error is due to an overload on their servers.

Try uploading the post once again. If the error persists try duplicating the post or uploading it directly from Instagram (as not all of their servers may be affected)

Versión en Español

Si tienes problemas para conectar con Instagram, te recomiendo que primero leas los siguientes artículos sobre errores comunes al hacer la conexión:

Si has posteado una publicación en Instagram y te ha aparecido un error, a continuación encontrarás los códigos de error proporcionados por Meta, junto con una recomendación por nuestra parte:


Mensaje o Codigo de Error




Code 36003, Subcode 2207009

The image has an unsupported aspect ratio

Verifica las limitaciones impuestas por Instagram y cambia la relación de aspecto.


Error #200

Algunos permisos no se han habilitado al hacer la conexión con Followr.


Code 25, subcode 2207050

Failed User access is restricted ‘User is unavailable – The Instagram account is either inactive or restricted.’

Esto suele suceder cuando la cuenta viola las normas comunitarias o los términos de uso de Instagram.

Inicia sesión en la cuenta asociada en la app de Instagram y sigue las instrucciones para reactivar tu cuenta.


Failed [An unexpected error has occurred. Please retry your request later.]

Instagram muestra este error cuando tiene problemas temporales.

Intenta volver a publicar el contenido más tarde. A veces, el contenido puede publicarse aunque inicialmente aparezca como fallido en Followr.


Code 9, subcode 2207042

Failed [Application request limit reached] or [User is performing too many actions]

Publicar en una cuenta de Instagram a través de herramientas de terceros está limitado a un máximo de 50 veces por día. Las cuentas tienen un límite de 25 publicaciones mediante API en un período de 24 horas, contando carruseles como una sola publicación.

Limita tus publicaciones a 25 por día por cuenta


Fatal (code -1, subcode 2207001)

Este problema ocurre cuando se activa el mecanismo antispam de Instagram. Lamentablemente, Instagram no proporciona información sobre la causa o cómo evitarlo.

Sugerimos modificar el contenido y volver a intentarlo.


Page request limit reached (code 32, subcode null)

Este error aparece cuando el perfil ha alcanzado su límite de llamadas API. No podemos publicar contenido en ese perfil hasta que se desbloquee. Este límite depende del número de personas activas diariamente en tu página.


Code 25, subcode 2207050

Tu cuenta profesional de Instagram está inactiva, en verificación o restringida.

Inicia sesión en la app de Instagram y completa cualquier acción que la app te solicite para reactivar tu cuenta.


Code 352, subcode 2207026

El formato de video no es compatible.

Sube un video en formato MOV o MP4. Ver especificaciones


Code 36000, subcode 2207004

La imagen es demasiado grande para descargar.

La imagen excede el tamaño máximo de 8MB. Prueba con una imagen más pequeña.
Ver especificaciones


Media ID is not available

El archivo multimedia no está listo para publicarse.

Intenta subir la publicación de nuevo. Si no se publica tras varios intentos, verifica si el archivo cumple con las especificaciones correctas.


The Media ID could not be fetched.

El archivo no se guardó correctamente cuando programaste la publicación automática.

Intenta subir la misma imagen/video de nuevo y reprogramar la publicación.


(#10) The user is not an Instagram Business

Solo las cuentas profesionales de empresa pueden publicar historias directamente.

Cambia de una cuenta de creador profesional a una cuenta de empresa professional. Paso a paso


Instagram: (#10) This endpoint requires the 'pages_read_engagement' permission or the 'Page Public Content Access' feature or the 'Page Public Metadata Access' feature.

El usuario no aceptó los permisos necesarios.

Elimina la integración desde e integra Instagram nuevamente, aceptando todos los permisos. Mira este paso a paso the como remover la intergracion desde


Media upload took too long

El archivo excede algunas de las limitaciones de Instagram

Ajusta el archivo según los parámetros de IG. Si ya está creado, considera usar un convertidor de video/imagen en línea.


Invalid Parameter

La publicación excede algunos de los límites permitidos por Instagram

Verifica las limitaciones impuestas por Instagram, como la cantidad de hashtags o las características del archivo


App\Jobs\PublishPost has been attempted too many times or run too long

Instagram no pudo subir tu publicación. No se especificó ningún motivo en particular.

Este error es reportado por Instagram cuando no procesan la solicitud de publicación. Normalmente, este error se debe a una sobrecarga en sus servidores

Intenta subir la publicación nuevamente. Si el error persiste, prueba duplicarla o subirla directamente desde Instagram (ya que no todos sus servidores pueden estar afectados)

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